Hi Everybody!
My name is Jodi Dequis and this is my first official professional blog unlike that of Xanga as child. I am a senior at San Francisco State University and majoring in Marketing, but at the moment thinking about also majoring in Finance. I came to major in Marketing after taking a career planning course at Skyline Community College in San Bruno. At first I did not know what I wanted to major in, besides the medical field, because I just wanted to try everything: photography, culinary cooking, massage therapist, cosmetology, etc. Taking that career planning course helped me to figure out what I can be by taking those personality tests. It led me to the world of business.
Now that I knew I wanted to be in the business world, I needed a focus. This surprisingly did not take me long. While preparing for my second semester at Skyline, My mom pointed out to me how she liked the way I designed my binder cover. This was how I discovered I wanted to be in marketing but more into advertising. When things are given to me that I have to present it in an alluring way, I love to put it together. I didn't get the artistic genes in my family, but I just love putting things together in a kind of artsy way. There's just something about it that draws me to it.
Because I love fashion I hope that this degree can lead me somewhere in the fashion world. Although this can be tough with everything constantly changing in the the fashion world, I am thinking about also majoring in Finance which can reinforce my education and lead me somewhere I've never thought of before. I feel like it will be really helpful in the long-run.
Besides everything I have just said, one day I would love to travel to the many different places around the world; it's one of my biggest dreams. So far I have been to Spain, Paris, and the United Kingdom but spending three days in each country was not enough. I have also been to Canada and the Philippines.