Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Direction of My Blog

Since this blog is going to be about Marketing, I looked around online to find other Marketing blogs and what they talk about. It was difficult at first because all the blog posts I have been looking at seemed so random and like it can be a part of another genre besides Marketing. But at a closer look, it is still related to marketing because I saw reviews about new products, talks about social media, evolution on a certain part of Marketing due to the Internet, etc. Like I said in my previous, even though it may not seem like it but in some way Marketing will be the underlying theme.

Anyways, in one blog that I have come across is called Duct Tape Marketing by John Jantsch, his was for new people coming into the world of business, especially about Marketing. He gives tips and advises on how to do whatever it is you are trying to do. It is interesting that others can also create a blog post on his site. A couple titles I’ve come across when looking at the first page of his blog were What Internet Marketers Know That You Don’t and Clarity Makes the Best Strategy. It is interesting that. If you just read the first few lines from these posts, you can see that these blog posts are derived from real world experiences and therefore helpful in your future endeavors.

Another blog I found was HubSpot Blog, a site for inbound internet marketing. Inbound marketing is about getting people’s attention and not by buying their attention. This is why there are so many posts about social media and using search engines to optimize its utility to find whatever it is you are looking for. This is a site where one can network and possibly find future jobs; it is about getting known to others and keeping them engaged with the content you give to them.

Finally, I looked at one other blog by Scott Monty. His blog is focused on Social Media Marketing as is the title. He is the global head of social media for Ford Motor Company. Although he is a part of Ford, his blog talks about other social medias like Twitter, Pinterest, Foursquare, etc. These are all different kinds of social media, and I am not just talking about their names. They each have different attributes to their sites, but the main thing in common is their use for networking, making connections.

Now Mr. Monty’s site is kind of an example of how I want my blog to be; although his is more focused. He blogs about practically anything like marketing as long as there’s a related theme of social media. He shares his insights and perspectives about what he sees about these very different companies that interest him. This is what I want to do with my blog. I want to blog about things that interest me with Marketing as the theme. Because I do not have a focus on where I want to go with Marketing, I hope that with this blog I can find that focus.


  1. These blogs all look really interesting. I noticed that they're all made by men though, which there is nothing wrong with, but I always find it a bit more interesting when reading about something a woman wrote. I feel like it is easier to connect with the writer. This blog, lipsticking marketing is written by a group of females all in the marketing field and I think you would be really interested in their posts.

  2. Thanks for sharing what you think are great websites to visit. I think it is great that Mr. Monty is inspiring you to do you blog as his. I also think you should blog about the things that interest you with Marketing as the theme. If you blog about what you love it is much easier for you to express yourself.

  3. You mention that it is hard for you to select a certain topic within Marketing and I agree with you. Marketing is a broad field and by taking more marketing classes it just continues to get bigger. There are so many aspects of a business that involve marketing and jobs that I would have never thought. Hopefully by reading Marketing blogs and taking more classes, you can really find your interest.
